The Sims 4 The Sims 4 Console

The Sims 4 Snowy Escape – Create a Sim

Written by Annabelli_22

Thanks for the EA Game Changers program for giving us early access to the new pack. Because it was Alpha software, it is possible that there are small changes in the pack before release.
For this review we only had access to Base game and The Sims 4 Snowy Escape.
At the bottom of the page you can find an index to our other The Sims 4 Snowy Escape articles.

For the Create a Sim items the clothing is inspired for the Cold Weather and Traditional Japanese wear. So you will find Yukata, Kimonos and wooden slippers. But also nice warm winter sport clothing.

CAS video

To show off all clothing and their swatches, we made it in video form.

Female (Teen to Elder)

Historically, and also in this pack, Feminine clothing has always been the most represented.
There are 14 new hair styles, 3 new hats, a pair of earrings and glasses. 11 new tops, 11 full body outfits, 6 bottom clothing, a pair of gloves and a new watch, 9 pair shoes and Everyday, Formal, Party, Cold Weather have new Styled looks.

I have not included any of the unlockable outfits that you can earn with the new skills or with the career.

Male (Teen to Elder)

For Masculine CAS items there are: 3 new hair styles, 3 hats, new glasses, 11 tops, 8 full body outfits, 7 bottoms, gloves and watch, 8 new shoes, and a few new styled looks for Everyday, Formal, Party and Cold Weather.


For children are also new styled looks for Everyday, Formal, Sport wear, Party and Cold Weather.
Girls get 8 new hair styles, 2 hats, 3 tops, 8 full body outfits, 2 trousers, gloves and 4 new pair of shoe wear.
Boys have 4 new hairstyles, 2 hats, 3 tops, 7 full body outfits, 2 trousers, a pair of gloves and 2 pairs of shoe wear.


For both boy and girl toddlers the amount they get is the same, though they have different hairstyles.
3 hairstyles, 1 hat, 5 full body outfits, 2 pair of shoes and new styled outfits for Everyday, Formal, Party and Cold Weather.


Snowy Escape Index

You can continue reading about The Sims 4 Snowy Escape with the following links:

We would like to thank the Game Changers Program for this opportunity

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