Showtime Guides: Magician Career

Brave Sims who love the mysterious can perform illusions and daring escapes as a Magician.

Deep Concentration

Career Facts

Recommended Traits

  • Social Butterfly
  • Ambitious
  • Natural Born Performer


Not recommended Traits

  • Absent Minded
  • Clumsy
  • Coward
  • Loser



You do not need to build up any skills for the magician career, there is only the hidden magician/entertainment skill. This skill you build up naturally by performing for tips or on stage (or practicing the different songs yourself). If you cheat your way to the top, will not  be a good performer without practice.

However, it is recommended for all the performer careers to up your charisma skill, that way you can talk to the audience during a performance and get a nice performance boost.

Note: There is a nice quirk in Showtime, while performing for tips you get a LOT of friendship from all the Sims watching you. Great way to gain friends for the friendship requirement for the Charisma skill.


Work Location

Gigs: Park, Coffeehouse, Live show venue, Private venue and Big show venu

Play for tips: Can be done everywhere, but would recommend a busy location like a park.


How to get the job

Via newspaper or computer, use the ‘find a profession’ option. You can also find a proprieter on one of the community lots, you can get the career through them too.


Work Week


In the beginning you will spend a lot of time playing for tips.

At a higher level you can have a gig every night.

Do not forget about Simport, you Sim can get spend 12h of their Simday on tour too!



  • Perform for Tips
  • Perform Illusions
  • Get Gigs



Magicians get a weekly stipend, see this table, in the beginning the stipend helps but the most money they get from gigs and tips.

Magician Career Fact table

LevelTitleWeekly Stipend (§)XP Needed to AdvanceOutfit/Object UnlocksTrick UnlocksInteraction Unlocks
1Novice Trickster275400Outfit 1Instant Cards, Wand Into FlowersSocial: Coin From Ear
2Newbie Illusionist340500Outfit 2Free BirdsSocial: Appearing Butterflies
3Sim of Mystery400600Outfit 3, Box of MysteryBox of Mystery: Swords of Destiny
4Conjurer532800FireballSocial: Hot Hands
5Sleight-of-Hand Savant6401,000Outfit 4
6Illusionist8401,200Box of Mystery: Vanishing Sim, Appearing Objects
7Purveyor of Danger1,1601,500Outfit 5, Box of DangerBox of Danger: Buried Alive
9Master Illusionist2,0002,100Outfit 6Box of Danger: Watery Grave, Levitate Self
10Master Magician3,6002,500Social: Levitate Sim


Specific Magician – Badges and Achievements

 AbracadabraHave a Magician perform 20 tricks
 Double Magic LegendPerform a Legendary Magician Show in a Big Show Venue as a Genie
 Kid Party StuffHave a Magician perform the Free Birds, Wand into Flowers, and Instant Cards tricks 5 times each before becoming a Sim of Mystery
 Magic and MysteryHave your Magician WooHoo in the Box of Mystery 10 times
 Master of IllusionHave a Sim fulfill the Master Magician Lifetime Wish
 Rising StarHave a Magician Sim levitate themselves 20 times
 Sleeping with the FishHave your Magician Sim perform the Watery Grave trick 30 times
 Stage MagicHave a Magician Sim perform at least once at each venue type
 The Magic of MoneyEarn §20,000 in tips as a Magician
 Vanishing ActHave your Magician Sim perform The Vanishing Sim trick 20 times
 Winner in the Park!Have your Singer, Magician, or Acrobat Sim win a SimFest in a Park

Performing for Tips

At the start of every performance career you first play for tips, Magician career is no different.  Find a busy location (Big Park for example) and start performing for tips! Do not be surprised if your Sim fails a bit at this in the beginning, but their skill increases!

Magician career takes a while to advance to level 2, making this the most difficult performance career to advance in.


Gigs are your main source of income, you can earn up to 27k per gig! Perfoming on stage with an magician is quite easy compared to the other careers, it is no problem to list all the actions in a row to create a varied full 2 hour show.


How to get a Gig

You have to be at least level 2 before you can audition for gigs.

Then you can audition for a gig, you can find the proprieter on the world map, he or she has an orange icon. You start with only be allowed to perform at the park, as your level increases you can open up more locations, see the following table.

Performance Locations

Career LevelLocation
level 2Big Park
Level 3Coffeehouse
Level 5Live Show Venues
Level 7Private Venues
Level 8Big Show Venues

Tip: When you are a high level in your career, go to the world map and you will see many propieter icons, click them all and line up all the different auditions in a row to quickly get a lot of gigs.

Note: For Big Show Venues you cannot always line up the audition by clicking on the orange person icon from the world map. You will have to go to the lot itself and summon the propierter out of their building and then ask to to audition.


Stage Setup

When you are low on funds just use the venue setup, as you get more money it is worth investing into your own stage setup to increase your performance score. The higher the score the bigger the chance of a steady gig, steady gigs pay much better than One-off gigs.



At the start of the performance its best to pause the game, as a magician you can list all the actions you want to do that show immediately and fill the full two hours.

You have option to talk to the audience, only do this if your charisma is high otherwise you are just telling a boring story.


Gig Earnings

While you would think that steady gigs always earn you more than one-off gigs, read the following tables carefully. When you are a higher level you get less money at a steady gig at the ‘lower level’ locations (park/coffeehouse) than you do when you have a one-off gig, but you can earn astronomely more at the big venue location with a steady gig. So be careful what gigs you choose!

One-off Gig

LevelWeekly Stipend (§)ParkCoffee-HouseLive ShowPrivateBig Show


Steady Gig

LevelWeekly StipendParkCoffee-HouseLive ShowPrivateBig Show

Cheat Sheet to a Good Performance

This cheat sheet is made with a lvl 10 magician, but can be translated to earlier levels.

1: With the Magician set up your stage (use props!)
2: Pause game
3: Fully line up a lot of actions, but do not pick the same one twice in a row. I start with regular illusions > box of mystery > box of danger > talk to audience > illusions > etc
4: Let the performance play out, keep an eye that there always new actions lined up.

My Sim always gets an excellent or legendary performance.