Foodie Friday

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Foodie Friday

Foodie Friday

Each week in our new Foodie Friday series we will feature a food recipe from The Sims games, how to make them in game and more importantly how you can make them in your own kitchen! From easy sandwiches to difficult Baked Alaska. There are Real Life versions of each recipe, even Ambrosia! (Will not let you live longer though). We will also give you different variations for example vegetarian or slow cooker.

Each week in our new Foodie Friday series we will feature a food recipe from The Sims games, how to make them in game and more importantly how you can make them in your own kitchen! From easy sandwiches to difficult Baked Alaska. There are Real Life versions of each recipe, even Ambrosia! (Will not let you live longer though). We will also give you different variations for example vegetarian or slow cooker.

If you have your own recipes we would love to read them, you can email them to platinumsimmers[at] We will add it to the recipe article. Also if you tried one of the recipes and made pictures of your dish, email them!

Recipe Book

Here we will post the summary for the upcoming Live broadcast, anything marked with a ?? is a pure guess on our part.

The Sims 3 70s, 80s & 90s Stuff Pack

Cool facepaint! Lightning strike, bat facepaint

disco outfit
rocker vest
Snake pants, each leg can be colored differently
Grunge outfit, comfort/baggy clothes
parachute pants

sexy disco suit
80s workout outfits!
leapoard dress
fun buttons on a top
necklace on a top
comfort grunge clothes too, little ripped, little torn. Some with graphics
Many female outfits!
Freezerbunny shirt in one of them

New male moustache!
2 new male hair
2 new female hair, 2 more with accessoires!

Vintage tv
disco ball
disco tiles
new lounge chair
cassette tapes in the new wall unit! (80s)
new sofa, desk and lamps (80s)
new paintings, one of them looks like a movie poster from the 70s
fooseball table
sectional sofas
new guitar
new rug
new arcade machine – with freezerbunny!
new stereo

exclusive pinball machine

The Sims 3 University Life

New social groups give a lot of new interactions/gameplay. Not like celebrities.

Before Uni
Aptitude test, shows you what degree is a good idea (??)
Enroll using the phone
5 Majors, including communications, science and 3 more.
University is a new world, with a loading screen. Like a World adventures world.
Young adult to elder can go to uni.

Dorm & Houses
Can dorm it up, rent a house (no need to buy!)
Can join a sororityor fraternity
Can customize your room before moving in, edit town, or just use build/buy while in game
Claim bed in your dorm. Does not mean you are alone in a room!
Can build new dorms using edit town.
Unused room in a (rented) home can give you a roommate to help pay the bills.

Uni World
Makeout point.
Hobbyshop for the nerds
Bar for the jocks
Student union, with an orientation at noon first day.

New Objects
Academic booth, get freebies, meet professors?
Photo booth
Barista bar, energy bar or snack or herbal teas
New woohoo spots, in the hidden bed for example
Bowling Alley
Pingpong table
Fruit Juice keg stand
New Bedrooms, including disappearing bed

New Interactions and gameplay
Dumpster jumping?
Can get dream job through networking in the social groups.
Can influence your roommate to do the cooking/cleaning/etc, needs a good relationship.
Spray painting on the walls
School cheer
Two new party types, juice keg party (??) and bonfire.
Sketching pad
Juicer Keg stand
Big bonfire
Throw a firework, stinkbomb?? on the bonfire that makes it have green fumes and sparkles
Smart phone pictures can be put on the wall
Streaking is back!
New Lifetime Rewards
New trait slot that you can earn from the degree
3 new skills, including street art, science skill, social networking skill
New smartphones
Group science project
Degrees will benefit careers, jump start for example

Socially awkward
Avant Garde trait (unique taste on art)

Jock type attire
Nerdy clothes
dressier student clothes

4 new female hairs (maybe more)
4 new male hairs (not sure about accessories)

Party bundle
includes a statue that allows you to throw great parties!
togas, mood boost

New Contest
Inspiring Creativity Contest
Win a trip to the sims studio!
USA & Canada residents only

The Sims 3 Island Paradise
June 2013
Brand new expansion pack, currently in development.
Create your own version of Island Paradise
Travel with your Sims on boats!
Live on real houseboats!
Scuba diving, new collectibles! Explore underwater!
Can build resorts, new system with business decisions!

Travel into the future Expansion Pack
Some time after June.

Stuff Pack
Iconic Movie things.

Intro video coming soon

Origin Mystery Item
Plumbob fountain

Posted Image
Full Game Recipe lists
Here are the entire recipe lists for both The Sims 2 & The Sims 3, we will feature each recipe that is listed. If you have a favourite let us know via @platinumsimmers, facebook or email.

The Sims 3

Food Skill LevelIngredientsBookExpansion Pack
Autumn Salad0LettuceBasegame
Mac and Cheese0CheeseBasegame
Hot Dogs0LinksBasegame
Tofu Dogs0TofuBasegame
Peanut Butter and Jelly1FruitBasegame
Shawarma1SteakYesWorld Adventures
Chili Con Carne1Steak, Ghost ChiliYesSupernatural
Vegetarian Chili1Tofu, Ghost ChiliYesSupernatural
Cheese Plate1Cheese, GrapeYesWorld Adventures
Grilled Cheese2CheeseBasegame
Goopy Carbonara2OnionBasegame
Mushroom Omelette2Egg, Bell Pepper, White Cap MushroomsYesSupernatural
Egg Rolls2Egg, LettuceYesWorld Adventures
Hot and Sour Soup3Porcini Mushroom, Ghost ChiliYesSupernatural
Fish and Chips3FishYesBasegame
Vegetarian Fish and Chips3TofuYesShowtime
Bouillabaisse3Fish, VegetableYesWorld Adventures
Frogs Legs3Frog, GarlicYesWorld Adventures
Fruit Parfait4Apple, GrapeYesBasegame
Spaghetti with Veggie Sauce4TomatoBasegame
Veggie Rolls4TofuShowtime
Fried Peanut Butter and Banana Sandwich5BananaYesShowtime
Cheesesteak5Cheese, SteakYesBasegame
Cheese Tofu Steak5Cheese, TofuYesShowtime
Stu Surprise52 IngredientsBasegame
Firecracker Shrimp5Honey, Ghost ChilliYesSupernatural
Firecracker Tofu5Honey, Ghost ChilliYesSupernatural
Falafel5Lettuce, OnionYesWorld Adventures
Pumpkin Pie5Egg, PumpkinSeasons
Hamburger6Onion, PattyBasegame
Veggie Burger6Onion, TofuBasegame
Aloo Masala Curry6Tomato, Potato, Ghost ChilliYesSupernatural
Stir-Fry6Bell Pepper, GarlicYesWorld Adventures
Cobbler6Fruit, EggYesBasegame
Eggs Machiavellian7Watermelon, EggYesBasegame
Porcini Risotto7Onion, Porcini MushroomYesSupernatural
Key Lime Pie7Lime, EggBasegame
Crepes82 FruitsYesWorld Adventures
Grilled Salmon8Garlic, Potato, SalmonBasegame
Vegetarian Grilled Salmon8Garlic, Potato, TofuShowtime
Tri-Tip Steak8Potato, Vegetable, SteakYesBasegame
Tri-Tip Tofu Steak8Potato, Vegetable, TofuYesShowtime
French Toast92 Apples, EggBasegame
Dim Sum93 FishBasegame
Vegetarian Dim Sum93 TofusShowtime
Potato and Truffle Torte9Truffles, Egg, PotatoYesSupernatural
Stuffed Turkey92 Vegetables, RoastYesBasegame
Stuffed Tursoykey92 Vegetables, TofuYesShowtime
Lobster Thermidor10Garlic, Lobster, Bell PepperBasegame
Vegetarian Lobster Thermidor10Garlic, Tofu, Bell PepperShowtime
Ceviche10Fish, Ghost Chili, LimeYesSupernatural
Baked Angel Food Cake10Flame Fruit, 2 EggsYesBasegame
Ambrosia10Death Fish, Life FruitYesBasegame
Here we will post the summary for the upcoming Live broadcast, anything marked with a ?? is a pure guess on our part.

The Sims 3 70s, 80s & 90s Stuff Pack

Cool facepaint! Lightning strike, bat facepaint

disco outfit
rocker vest
Snake pants, each leg can be colored differently
Grunge outfit, comfort/baggy clothes
parachute pants

sexy disco suit
80s workout outfits!
leapoard dress
fun buttons on a top
necklace on a top
comfort grunge clothes too, little ripped, little torn. Some with graphics
Many female outfits!
Freezerbunny shirt in one of them

New male moustache!
2 new male hair
2 new female hair, 2 more with accessoires!

Vintage tv
disco ball
disco tiles
new lounge chair
cassette tapes in the new wall unit! (80s)
new sofa, desk and lamps (80s)
new paintings, one of them looks like a movie poster from the 70s
fooseball table
sectional sofas
new guitar
new rug
new arcade machine – with freezerbunny!
new stereo

exclusive pinball machine

The Sims 3 University Life

New social groups give a lot of new interactions/gameplay. Not like celebrities.

Before Uni
Aptitude test, shows you what degree is a good idea (??)
Enroll using the phone
5 Majors, including communications, science and 3 more.
University is a new world, with a loading screen. Like a World adventures world.
Young adult to elder can go to uni.

Dorm & Houses
Can dorm it up, rent a house (no need to buy!)
Can join a sororityor fraternity
Can customize your room before moving in, edit town, or just use build/buy while in game
Claim bed in your dorm. Does not mean you are alone in a room!
Can build new dorms using edit town.
Unused room in a (rented) home can give you a roommate to help pay the bills.

Uni World
Makeout point.
Hobbyshop for the nerds
Bar for the jocks
Student union, with an orientation at noon first day.

New Objects
Academic booth, get freebies, meet professors?
Photo booth
Barista bar, energy bar or snack or herbal teas
New woohoo spots, in the hidden bed for example
Bowling Alley
Pingpong table
Fruit Juice keg stand
New Bedrooms, including disappearing bed

New Interactions and gameplay
Dumpster jumping?
Can get dream job through networking in the social groups.
Can influence your roommate to do the cooking/cleaning/etc, needs a good relationship.
Spray painting on the walls
School cheer
Two new party types, juice keg party (??) and bonfire.
Sketching pad
Juicer Keg stand
Big bonfire
Throw a firework, stinkbomb?? on the bonfire that makes it have green fumes and sparkles
Smart phone pictures can be put on the wall
Streaking is back!
New Lifetime Rewards
New trait slot that you can earn from the degree
3 new skills, including street art, science skill, social networking skill
New smartphones
Group science project
Degrees will benefit careers, jump start for example

Socially awkward
Avant Garde trait (unique taste on art)

Jock type attire
Nerdy clothes
dressier student clothes

4 new female hairs (maybe more)
4 new male hairs (not sure about accessories)

Party bundle
includes a statue that allows you to throw great parties!
togas, mood boost

New Contest
Inspiring Creativity Contest
Win a trip to the sims studio!
USA & Canada residents only

The Sims 3 Island Paradise
June 2013
Brand new expansion pack, currently in development.
Create your own version of Island Paradise
Travel with your Sims on boats!
Live on real houseboats!
Scuba diving, new collectibles! Explore underwater!
Can build resorts, new system with business decisions!

Travel into the future Expansion Pack
Some time after June.

Stuff Pack
Iconic Movie things.

Intro video coming soon

Origin Mystery Item
Plumbob fountain

Posted Image
The Sims 2

Recipe SkillExpansion PackRequires
Toaster Pastries0Base Game
Lunch Meat Sandwich0Base Game
Mac and Cheese0Base Game
Cup O’ Ramen0University
Grandma’s Comfort Soup0FreeTime
Bass with Squash0Seasons
Hot Dogs0Base Game
Gelatin0Base Game
Ramen0Bon Voyage
Steamed Rice Bowl0Bon Voyage
Chirashi0Bon Voyage
Char-Broiled Catfish0Bon Voyage
Flapjacks0Bon Voyage
Chicken Pot Pie0Bon Voyage
Teriyaki Mahi-Mahi0Bon Voyage
Pineapple Surprise0Bon Voyage
Luau Ribs0Bon Voyage
Gyro0Apartment Life
Spaghetti1Base Game
Santa Cookies1Happy Holiday Stuff
Grilled Cheese Sandwich2Base Game
Blackened Catfish2SeasonsRequires a Catfish
Pancakes3Base Game
Chef Salad3Base Game
Hamburgers3Base GameCan be grilled
Omelettes4Base Game
Chili Con Carne4Base Game
Stuffed Rainbow Trout4SeasonsRequires a Rainbow Trout
Crepes Suzette4Nightlife
Pork Chops5Base Game
Berry Pie5Open for Business
Turkey6Base Game
Salmon6Base Game
Stuffed Golden Trout6SeasonsRequires a Golden Trout
Cake6Base Game
Holiday Roast7Happy Holiday StuffRequires a cornucopia on the lot
Ribs7Base GameRequires a grill
Cheesecake7Open for Business
Baked Alaska8Base Game
Lobster Thermidor10Base Game
Fried Chicken10Nightlife
Lime Seared Prawns10Nightlife
Filet Mignon10Nightlife
Nectarine Tartlette10Nightlife

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