
New SimCity Pictures and a blog

New pictures and a new blog!

New gorgeous pictures, some of these we have seem before I know but they are just so awesome that I added them again!
Thanks to Rincon Simmer for the headsup of the new pictures!

SimCity Panoramic.pngSimCity Tier 1 Stadium.pngSimCity Panoramic.pngSimCity Data Layer.pngSimCity Casino Town.png

SimCity Coast_656x369.pngSimCity Downtown_656x369.pngSimCity Hotels Block.pngSimCity Tier 2 Stadium.jpgSimCity Univesity Closeup.png

We also got a new blog on monday:


Hey everyone! Last week I talked to you about SimCity’s new road tool, how it can be used to control the density of your buildings, and the road guides that help bring it all together. Now that you know a bit more about how our roads work, I’d like to walk you through the planning of a new city.

When planning out how you want to begin building, you should first have a look at the resources available to you in the city by browsing through the data layers. Once you’ve done that, all you need to do is figure out what kind of city you want to make. Various natural resources are available to exploit for additional simoleons, and by taking a quick glance at the land value map, you can get a sense of where the middle and high wealth Sims would prefer to live, provided you spruce up the place (we’ll talk about this in more detail in a future post). Additionally, it’s important to make note of which way the wind is blowing, as setting up dirty industrial buildings upwind of the rest of your city will make your Sims sick from the air pollution. Instead, you should try and put them downwind so you can blow away all that nasty smog.

link:…News in the UK)