New careers! That makes me very happy! With all the info we got its going to be a good EP I think.
It’s Who You Know
In The Sims 3 University Life there are different social groups on campus: the nerds, the rebels and the jocks. Hanging out and gaining cred with these three groups offers unique advantages to your Sims, from earning dream jobs to even gaining an extra trait! And just like real life, your Sim can choose to spend time with only one or all three of the social groups. Your Sim might be a Fine Arts major with a techie streak, so your Sim could spend time with both the nerds and the rebels to build the right kind of relationships and story. If your Sim gains enough influence with the nerds, they might even unlock one of the brand new social group careers, such as becoming a video game developer (my favorite new career).
In The Sims 3 University Life there are different social groups on campus: the nerds, the rebels and the jocks. Hanging out and gaining cred with these three groups offers unique advantages to your Sims, from earning dream jobs to even gaining an extra trait! And just like real life, your Sim can choose to spend time with only one or all three of the social groups. Your Sim might be a Fine Arts major with a techie streak, so your Sim could spend time with both the nerds and the rebels to build the right kind of relationships and story. If your Sim gains enough influence with the nerds, they might even unlock one of the brand new social group careers, such as becoming a video game developer (my favorite new career).
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