Dive Bar – One of the three (Sports, Dive and Local watering hole) types of bars in the game. These are the most common type of establishment and as such usually do not have bouncers, and traditionally have the longest hours (11am to 3am). All bars will attract vampires. The Dive bar is just that… it’s a dive. This bar will not attract celebrity Sims excepting those of 1 star status. Further npc Sims with the Bookworm, Coward, Snob, Loner, Shy or Hate the Outdoors traits will shun this establishment. Sims in the Criminal career track, as well as Athletic, Daredevil, Party Animal and/or Love the Outdoors traits can be found here.
Fusion Lounge – One of the three (Fusion, Vampire and Exclusive) types of Lounges in the game. These establishments are of the most exclusive sort of late night entertainment and are the first of the three types of establishments to close on a night (2pm to 2am). Lounges will attract celebrity Sims of all star levels and will also have bouncers. All lounges will encourage Sims to work on their Charisma skill. The Fusion lounge attracts npc Sims with the Party Animal, Excitable and Dramatic traits and will deter those npc’s that have the Bookworm, Coward, Loner, Shy and Neurotic traits. Further this lounge will encourage Sims to work on their Martial Arts skill should they have it.
Vampire Lounge – one of the three (Fusion, Vampire and Exclusive) types of Lounges in the game. These establishments are of the most exclusive sort of late night entertainment and are the first of the three types of establishments to close on a night (2pm to 2am). Lounges will attract celebrity Sims of all star levels and will also have bouncers. All lounges will encourage Sims to work on their Charisma skill. The Vampire lounge will attract Vampires (obviously) but will also attract those npc’s that have the Virtuoso, Dramatic, Evil, Flirty, Snob, Loner, Artistic, and Hopeless Romantic traits. It will deter those Sims that have the Slob, Coward, Couch Potato, and Neurotic traits.
Academy – is the designation used for martial arts schools (do not confuse this with any of the actual rabbit hole schools in the game). The only academy in the game is in Shang Simla. However you can build one in the edit world mode in game. Equipment for the academy can be found in the miscellaneous items section of the buydebug menu.
Exclusive Lounge – one of the three (Fusion, Vampire and Exclusive) types of Lounges in the game. These establishments are of the most exclusive sort of late night entertainment and are the first of the three types of establishments to close on a night (2pm to 2am). Lounges will attract celebrity Sims of all star levels and will also have bouncers. All lounges will encourage Sims to work on their Charisma skill. This lounge will attract Sims in the Film career path as well as Sims with the following traits; Star Quality, Snob, Schmoozer, Dramatic, Charismatic, and Ambitious. Sims who have Evil, Frugal, Loner, Neurotic, Over-Emotional or Slob as a trait will avoid this lounge.
Nectary – this lot type is where Sims can go to purchase or sample nectars. You will need certain items to complete the nectary, those items are listed in the table below. Further as part of the item list purchasable at the cash register you can buy the L’amour des Fruits Nectar Maker for your Sims. As an aside it is not recommended that you copy the Champs Les Sims Nectary to your home town as it contains a rather large underground tomb. Moving lots with tombs can be problematic on occasion.
Dance Club – one of the three types of clubs (Dance, Disco and Poolside) in the game. These establishments have the shortest hours (5pm to 4am) but stay opened the latest. Celebrity Sims will be attracted to this establishment and some will have bouncers. Unlike bars and lounges, clubs traditionally do not have stages so bands will not be invited here to perform gigs. All clubs encourage Sims to practice their Dancing skill (one of the hidden skills). This venue will attract Sims with the Athletic, Daredevil and Party Animal and deter Sims with the Bookworm, Loner, Coward, Snob and Shy traits. Sims in the music career will also be attracted to this lot type.
Chinese Garden – the Chinese Garden will provide the Zen moodlet. It is a place of meditation and Sims in this lot will gain a boost to the Logic and Meditation Skill. Items needed in this lot type are listed in the table below.
Poolside Club – one of the three types of clubs (Dance, Disco and Poolside) in the game. These establishments have the shortest hours (5pm to 4am) but stay opened the latest. Celebrity Sims will be attracted to this establishment and some will have bouncers. Unlike bars and lounges, clubs traditionally do not have stages so bands will not be invited here to perform gigs. All clubs encourage Sims to practice their Dancing skill (one of the hidden skills). Sims with Shy, Hydrophobic, Coward, Snob, Bookworm, and Hate the Outdoors traits will steer clear of this venue and Athletic, Love the Outdoors and Party Animals will enjoy this type of lot.
Small Park – the difference between a small park and a big park is primarily in the number of items needed for the designation, the number of Sims the park will attract (a big park will attract larger crowds) and the type of Sims it will attract.
Disco Club – one of the three types of clubs (Dance, Disco and Poolside) in the game. These establishments have the shortest hours (5pm to 4am) but stay opened the latest. Celebrity Sims will be attracted to this establishment and some will have bouncers. Unlike bars and lounges, clubs traditionally do not have stages so bands will not be invited here to perform gigs. All clubs encourage Sims to practice their Dancing skill (one of the hidden skills). Party Animals, Daredevils and Athletic Sims will be attracted to this lot, and Shy, Cowards, Bookworms and Loners will avoid this lot.
Big Park – the difference between a small park and a big park is primarily in the number of items needed for the designation, the number of Sims the park will attract (a big park will attract larger crowds) and the type of Sims it will attract. Big parks will attract the Magician npc.
Graveyard – a lot with this designation is (as is obvious by the name) the final resting place for a number of Sims. By placing a mausoleum on the lot you make this a rabbit hole lot and will add the creepy graveyard buff.
Pool – these lots will attract Athletic Sims and Sims that wish to improve their Athletic skill. You may occasionally witness a drowning at a pool.
Library – this lot will house books of all kinds excluding books that are consumed after reading (i.e. recipes, music and bait guides). Should your Sims write a novel it may be found here after it is published. Libraries will attract Bookworm and Genius Sims.
Gym – obviously this lot assignment will attract Athletic Sims and Sims wishing to work on their Athletic skill.
Art Gallery – a building dedicated to the showing of various artistic pieces. Some of the pieces viewable in the premade galleries by EA are the sculptures available from the sculpting skill (primarily at the Twinbrook museum, Curious Memorial Museum). This lot will attract Sims with the Artistic trait and will deter Sims with the Can’t Stand Art trait. This lot type can be used as a party venue (see party venues below)
Fishing Spot – A lot with a body of water and fish spawners. It will attract Sims with the Angler trait and those that want to increase their Fishing skill.
Beach – functioning much like parks these lots will attract Sims with the Athletic and/or Loves the Outdoors traits and will deter those Sims with the Hates the Outdoors trait.
This lot type can be used as a party venue (see party venues below)
Visitors Allowed – unassigned lot type where NPC Sims will visit.
No Visitors Allowed – unassigned lot type where NPC Sims will not visit unless they are invited.
Consignment Store – this establishment is one of the few where your Sims can actually enter and browse some of the goods for sale rather than just entering a rabbit hole. A lot of this designation must have the appropriate cash register for it to work properly. Inventory in this type of establishment will randomly change so it is a good idea to pop by every so often to see what is new. Occasionally you may even find a Magical Gnome here 😉
Laundromat – For your Sim to be able to use this lot type they must have a laundry related object in their home to collect dirty laundry in. As a tidbit, the higher the quality the machine the higher the cost to do laundry, however there is also a chance of finding the mysterious laundry gnome in the higher quality machines as well.
Salon – the workplace for the stylist profession. This is one of the few places where you can actually interact with your Sim while they work rather than disappearing into a rabbit hole.
Fire Station – one of the other rare non-rabbit hole workplaces. When an emergency happens the Sims will leave the station and return once it has been dealt with. Equipment at a fire station will decay if there is no active fire fighter on the lot.
Junkyard – this is where your inventor Sims can find scrap for their inventions as well as a place for food for Sim-bots. There is also some regularly spawning burnt and broken objects to be collected.
Junkyard with no visitors – this lot type is Similar to the type listed above but is a junkyard but has a no visitors designation.
Hangout – the earliest of bar types placed into the game. This lot type will not actively attract celebrity Sims and can best be described as, well, “the place where everybody knows your name” 😉 Party Animal Sims are attracted to this place and Loners will avoid it.
Sports Bar – One of the three (Sports, Dive and Local watering hole) types of bars in the game. These are the most common type of establishment and as such usually do not have bouncers, and traditionally have the longest hours (11am to 3am). All bars will attract vampires. Sims who go here will be encourage to improve their Athletic skill. Athletic, Daredevil, Party Animal and Love the Outdoor are traits in Sims that are attracted to this venue. Hate the Outdoors, Shy, Bookworm, Coward, Snob and Loner Sims will not normally be found here. Sims in the Professional Sports career will also want to visit this type of establishment.
Local Watering Hole – One of the three (Sports, Dive and Local watering hole) types of bars in the game. These are the most common type of establishment and as such usually do not have bouncers, and traditionally have the longest hours (11am to 3am). All bars will attract vampires. Considered to be one step above the Dive bar, Slobs, Party Animals, Brave and Hot Headed Sims will want to visit this venue. Cowards, Perfectionists, Shy and Loner Sims will avoid this establishment.