The Sims 4 Tips&Tricks

Decoration tips from the Community

Written by Annabelli_22
As we are all getting used to the new possibilities in The Sims 4, The community is thriving in sharing ideas with each other. Don’t know what do without Move Objects On to make your house unique and lived in? This thread on The Sims forum has been started to share ideas and inspiration for your interiors in The Sims 4!

Some of my favorite solutions
This Halfwall/build in cabinets. I’m not sure what to call it, but it sort of looks like a build in closet that was removed, to make an open shelving place. Or some sort of niche in the wall.
Shared and made by ahholladay.

Or this one, creating a media center with kitchen cabinets. It’s looks homey, and something people have in real life too. And last but not least, it’s very modular! Build it any way you want!
Sims 4 media center
Shared and made by Mstybl195, the starter of the thread.

If you have any ideas of your own that you want to share, or are just looking for inspiration, I would highly recommend browsing there.

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