
How to build the perfect Resort – Part 3: Building your own Resort

Written by sww

Building your own resort starts with purchasing an additional home on the phone, real estate and travel services > purchase additional home. Then you can choose which lot in the world you want to buy (we suggest that you go for a big lot, resorts need space). 2013-07-03_12-38-39 Once it is purchased it will get a new icon in the world view that indicates it is a private lot. Click on it and then you can select that it changes to a resort. 2013-07-03_12-38-59 You will know this was successful because it turns into a resort icon (the orange icon currently indicates that it is closed). 2013-07-03_12-39-39 Zoom into your lot and you can buy/build on it like any regular lot, as it is a resort lot you will have a new option with all the amenities option here: 2013-07-03_12-39-16 If you are a great builder you can go wild now with building a beautiful resort.



When you are done building click on your Front Desk > Resort Management > Open Resort.


A Resort NEEDS a front desk. If you remove the front desk you will get this window:


So do NOT delete the front desk.

Another requirement before you can open the resort  is at least 1 resort tower, a resort tower is a rabbit hole with a lot of rooms inside of it. There are 3 types of resort towers, Beach (small and large), Eco modern and Spanish.

Tower NameCostUpgrade CostsCapacityOperational Cost
Island Beach Bungalow§800Lvl 1: 9Lvl 1: §40
Beach Resort Tower§1500Lvl 2: §5000
Lvl 3: §10000
Lvl 1: 18
Lvl 2: 27
Lvl 3: 42
Lvl 1: §50
Lvl 2: §250
Lvl 3: §500
Spanish-Style Resort Cottage§1600Lvl 2: §5000
Lvl 3: §10000
Lvl 1: 15
Lvl 2: 25
Lvl 3: 40
Lvl 1: §50
Lvl 2: §250
Lvl 3: §500
Eco-Modern Resort Tower§3000Lvl 2: §10000
Lvl 3: §25000
Lvl 1: 30
Lvl 2: 50
Lvl 3: 70
Lvl 1: §250
Lvl 2: §600
Lvl 3: §1750


To save some upgrading cost, go to buy/build mode and press ctrl+shift click on your resort tower > set quality > quality: 3. This instantly upgrades your resort tower to lvl 3!

You can also build VIP rooms each of these rooms give you 50% more income when they are rented out than a resort tower room. However you will notice they are not rented out every day and take up space. As VIP rooms are not a requirement you can have a resort with just resort towers to maximize income.


Next Step: Blueprints

Do you want to build a resort with little effort, look at the Blueprints that came with Island Paradise!

Are you completely lost with resort management? Click here for frequently asked questions.


Go back to previous articles!

The Basics of Making Resorts.

All that it takes to make a 5 star resort!


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1 Comment

  • Hi I built a tower with three floors and on each floor it has 2 rooms but again it does not allow me to open my resort. What have I done wrong?