On the forums, Billycraignotley has shared findings in the text files of The Sims 4. One of them being ‘unsupported age’ between baby and child. This could mean the toddlers are making a return. But this could also be a left over string from earlier developing stages. So we are being cautious with being excited! (But we are still excited)
Though not only have they found one, they have also found 2! Yes, 2! Husseinandali showed a screenshot of 2 unknown age slots in Sims 4 Studio (Sims 4 studio is a program used to make CC).
Keep an eye on this forum thread to read more.
For now, we will curiously await official news and really hope for a return of toddlers!
Thanks to Cinderellimouse for sharing the link
That would be so awesome!! I hope they add it as a patch like they did with the pools! That would make fans SO happy!! 🙂
Very intriguing news! 🙂
Hey, I noticed this article isn’t listed under Sims 4 news articles (the menu option). Might be good to add it to that section too. 🙂
Ah! Thanks for the heads up 😉 I forgot to tick that box.
I LOVE IT! Now maybe… i would play sims 4
If they’re coming back and do it for free. THAT WILL BE EPIC! Expansion Packs might be okay but that will be awesome too. 🙂
Arschloch , Fick dich
there will be toddlers and pre teen life states
Oh. I would like that. Since the teens are the same size as the adults a stage between children and a teens would make me feel more comfortable. Also, must have my todds. I miss the cute screaming, cooing, pooing, toddlers.
WHAT IF the 2 unknown age slots are BOTH for transition ages between baby and child? like, the first one is a baby that can crawl, and the second one is a preschooler? 0.0
Oh please let it be true, I don’t even play the Sims 4 anymore because I am so bored without family play. I have been waiting for toddlers forever and am just hanging on to any last shred of hope.