The Sims 3

New The Sims 3 World – Aurora Skies

February 21st we have a new world in the The Sims 3 Store. It is called Aurora Skies and will feature Northern Lights (it is on my personal bucket list to go to Iceland one day and see those in Real Life!)

February 21st we have a new world in the The Sims 3 Store. It is called Aurora Skies and will feature Northern Lights (it is on my personal bucket list to go to Iceland one day and see those in Real Life!)


My favorite thing about Aurora Skies? Hands down? The northern lights (or Aurora Borealis to some). If you have any cloud cover at night in Aurora Skies – you’ll see the northern lights. The more clouds in the sky – the brighter it looks — up to a certain point! Thick, stormy clouds won't show the northern lights. If you watch the skies long enough, you’ll notice that it’ll change colors as well.


When does Aurora Skies come out?
The Sims 3 Aurora Skies comes out February 21, 2013 in the Sims 3 Store.

Can I use my simpoints to buy Aurora Skies?

Will The Sims 3 Aurora Skies be available in retail stores?

Will there be a gold and standard version?
Yes! You’ll find out more details about the gold and standard versions as we get closer to the release date.

Can I gift the Aurora Skies to my friends?
Blog: http://www.thesims3….th=01&year=2013
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