
Your Vote Counts – Help choose the next stuff pack!

SimGuruGraham made an exciting announcement today: we’re all getting the opportunity to participate in the development of the next stuff pack! Over the next several months, Simmers will be able to vote on many aspects of an upcoming stuff pack, including theme, art style, content, gammeplay features, and more! The timeline of the pack’s development is as follows:

• Theme Vote (April 3rd – April 6th): Select the overall theme for the pack. Every part of the pack will be influenced by this key decision.
• Art Style Vote (April 10th – April 12th): Select between proposed art styles for the pack, which will guide our concept artists in the objects and clothing they create.
• Objects & Clothing Vote (May 18th – May 21st): Browse through the concept art we’ve drawn for the pack, and select your top choices to help us determine which objects and pieces of clothing are included.
• Feature Vote (June 23rd – June 26th): Select the top gameplay feature(s) you want to have included in the pack.
• Pack Icon Vote (Fall): Peruse different icons and select the one that will appear in the pack’s box art and within the in-game catalog.
• Pack Title Vote (Fall): Select a title that best summarizes the pack’s atmosphere and content.

You can follow the progress of the pack in a new section of The Sims Forums, SimGuruGraham’s Corner.

The first choice, overall theme, is open for voting from now to April 6. That’s not a lot of time, so if you want your voice heard, get over to the survey and cast your vote!


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