Here are a selection of our favourite sites across the Internet providing Sims news, downloads, reviews, and community features. If you want your site adding to the list, or you’re already on here and want something changed about your listing, please email us.
UK and other English fansites
- Sims Galore – latest news, including special features about recent events, plus countdowns to upcoming game releases!
- Infinite Sims – all the latest news and screenshots
- Snooty Sims – regularly updated news on all Sims games
- Sim Programs – news, reviews, and opinions on The Sims Series
Dutch / Nederlands
- Sims Nieuws – Sims Nieuws brengt altijd het laatste nieuws over De Sims 3, De Sims Middeleeuwen en andere Sims Games
- Sims Netwerk – Sims Netwerk is een unieke tweetalige website met downloads, forums, nieuws en artikelen. – Sims Network is a unique bilingual website with downloads, forums, news and articles.
German / Deutsch
- Sim Times – News, Infos und Bilder zu Die Sims 3
- Sim Way – sie haben die neusten News aus der Sims Reihe und sehr umfangreiche Infoseiten
French / Français
- Sim Cookie – Les dernières news Sims avec des informations,des dossiers, des vidéos, des images sur les jeux Sims
Spanish / Español
- Capital Sims – Análisis, noticias de las diferentes versiones, imágenes, tutoriales, trucos, foro, descargas, noticias.
- World the Sims
Italian / italiano
- Sims Cri 3 – nasce nel 2008, dopo ben 3 anni di passione dedicati a The Sims 2 e dopo l’annuncio ufficiale dalla EA riguardo al prossimo capitolo della saga di The Sims, The Sims 3 per l’appunto.
If you’re on Twitter, check out our list of Sims and EA folks to follow for official info, or just for a chat.