
How do *you* play? Challenge 1: The Newbies


For this challenge we are going back to a classic family, The Newbies from The Sims 1. This family comes with a small home modeled after their home in The Sims 1!

You can download the family here: PlatinumSimmers_Moza_Newbies

What next?

Share your experience with us! Write a paragraph, a tweet, make screenshots or make a video and tweet it to us or email it to [email protected] or leave it as a comment on our facebook page.

We will make a big post to share everyone’s experiences and might even make separate ones to feature some special stories.

How I played the family (so far):

I put the Newbie family in Midnight Hollow and decided: Betty is going to fulfill her lifetime wish of becoming a chef. Bob however is going to have a part-time job at the grocery store and manage a shop at home, in his garage. In Bob’s spare time he likes to dumpster dive, the goods he finds there he will sell in the shop. It took me a while to be able to afford the Savvy Seller’s Collection.


I’ve played the family for about 1 Sim week and I am not done yet! And yes, Bob found a dryer while dumpster diving.

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1 Comment

  • I really miss the Newbie family. Thank you for the download. I can’t wait to see what mischief I get Bob into in Sims 3.