The Sims 4

The Sims 4 Cats & Dogs – Create-a-Pet Trailer!

Written by deagh

Ever since the Cats & Dogs pack was announced, I’ve been wondering what the pets would look like, and how their personalities would work. Well, the recently released Create-a-Pet trailer has certainly answered those questions!

We’re given a look at the new world, Brindleton Bay, and a couple of the new families that will be living there. The main feature of the trailer, though, is Create-A-Pet. I was hoping that we’d be given as many options for pets as we have for Sims, and the trailer does not disappoint. We can choose a breed, but we’re certainly not limited there. The pets have the same push/pull customization abilities as sims do, and some very detailed customizations, such as setting individual eye colors and whisker length. You’re not limited to standard colors, either. You can make some pretty fantastic dogs and cats, as you can see!


There is even a breed mixer, so you can create your very own mutts, and clothing, so that you can dress up your doggies and kitties. Sim cats seem to put up with this a lot more easily than my own cats! I’d be dead if I tried to get my two into the outfits that you see cats in the trailer happily wearing. But hey, that’s the great thing about Sims, they aren’t like real life.

Once you have your pet’s look, then you can give them personality traits. Pets get three traits.


Trait list courtesy of TheEnglishSimmer

Look at all those traits! This will enable us to make a wide variety of personalities for our pets. I will be creating my two cats as Sim cats, and I will be choosing Talkative, Affectionate, and Spoiled for one (She’s nearly 17 and she gets what she wants and she knows it) and Playful, Skittish, and Friendly for the other.

I’d already been getting excited for the new pack, but this trailer has made me really look forward to seeing what will happen when Cats & Dogs join the Sims 4 world. I am also looking forward to the upcoming Livestream, which will take place on The Sims Twitch channel at 11am PDT, which is 7pm UK time on Thursday, October 12th.

Can’t wait for November 10th!

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