A lot of information is coming in through Twitter about the new expansion pack! We have started to compile them here and will continue to update them as more come along. If you see something we have missed, let us know! And we’ll add it.
Live streams
Important dates to learn more about Get Famous!
10/22 @ 8 AM PT – SimsCamp Embargo Lifts
10/26 @ 11 AM PT – Acting & CAS Live Stream
11/2 @ 11 AM PT – Fame & Reputation Live Stream
11/9 @ 11 AM PT – Del Sol Valley & Build/Buy Live Stream— ? Kate The Pumpkin Queen ? (@SimGuruKate) October 9, 2018
World and lots
You can make any lot exclusive! We'll tell/show you how soon!
— Dave Miotke (@SimGuruNinja) October 12, 2018
Sims and CAS
Your Sim's public image is saved and shared through the Gallery. Their Reputation, Celebrity Level, Fame Points, Fame Perks, and one other aspect of fame–that I don't believe has been shared yet–will be preserved through the Gallery.
— Graham Nardone (@SimGuruGraham) October 11, 2018
Let me be as clear and straightforward on today's topic as possible… Where your Sim lives has zero bearing on if/how they gain fame, or their reputation. You don't have to live in or travel to Del Sol Valley, and living in Del Sol Valley does not force anything unique on you.
— Graham Nardone (@SimGuruGraham) October 11, 2018
All Sims will have a public image. "Public Image" is just our term for how other Sims around the world perceive you. If you were to have a neutral reputation and no fame, it would be no different from how you currently play… which is a totally valid path.
— Graham Nardone (@SimGuruGraham) October 13, 2018
Yes, you can send them off to work without following them if you want.
— Graham Nardone (@SimGuruGraham) October 13, 2018
No, that isn't something we're adding in this pack. There may be some other things relating to money that you'll find interesting in Get Famous though – keep an eye out for more information being revealed.
— Graham Nardone (@SimGuruGraham) October 13, 2018
Yes, both if you have the career from City Living, or by increasing the followers through various interactions on your social media account.
— Graham Nardone (@SimGuruGraham) October 13, 2018
It can. More details on that to come during the upcoming Fame & Rep livestream on 11/2.
— Graham Nardone (@SimGuruGraham) October 12, 2018
"They said you can gain celebrity status by performing at open mic night or by performing music, but what about dance off, busking, karaoke, djing, selling art, etc.?" Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes.
— Graham Nardone (@SimGuruGraham) October 11, 2018
No pet fame in this pack.
— Dave Miotke (@SimGuruNinja) October 14, 2018
Vampires can be famous. No worries!
— Dave Miotke (@SimGuruNinja) October 9, 2018
But people like REALLY zany random townies, right?
Okay, okay. It was a bad joke. Drop the pitchforks. These should be properly tagged to not just be randomly applied to Sims.
— Dave Miotke (@SimGuruNinja) October 10, 2018
If you beat another Sim by bowling a perfect game, that sure sounds worthy of fame to me. So… yes.
— Graham Nardone (@SimGuruGraham) October 12, 2018
Some more tea for you all! Children can be some degree of famous, yes. Also we have a fun little Drama Club that kids and teens will be able to join. However, no professional child actors (working with their stage parents would have been nightmares).
— ? Kate The Pumpkin Queen ? (@SimGuruKate) October 9, 2018
No kid actors, but kids can get famous.
— Dave Miotke (@SimGuruNinja) October 9, 2018
Want to be a famous chef? Now you can! Famous painter? Yup, you can do that too.
— ? Kate The Pumpkin Queen ? (@SimGuruKate) October 9, 2018
One thing we want to address right now regarding this pack and the free update coming soon is that cars will NOT be added as part of these.
— ? Kate The Pumpkin Queen ? (@SimGuruKate) October 9, 2018
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