This week, a few Sims are taking over the instagram account of The Sims leading up to the live stream, which will be on July 15th, at 7pm UK time.
They’ll be sharing their stories of their high school years.
We will update this post with each story that goes out. So be sure to come back!
Day 1 – Molly
Molly is the principal’s daughter. But she does not seem to be the goodie goodie two shoes that some might be.
The video shows that there is an orientation day for high school. You can choose and style your locker.
Molly also likes to prank. She put a stink/smoke bomb in one of the lockers, she gets into trouble and has to stay in detention.
There is also mention of expulsion. What will that mean for your high school career, or… you career in general!
For lunch time there seems to be a cafeteria available to hang out with your friends, and pick your own lunch. I envision this to be similar to The Sims 4 University and the student study spots.
What do you think, will Molly graduate, or will she not?
Day 2 – Sidney
Sidney is the overachiever. The social butterfly to the max. He seems to be taking selfies and posting all day long. Is Social Bunny an actual social media Sims can use? Or will it work like they introduced in The Sims 4 City Living. Where you get the notification pop up in the top right corner and that’s it.
Sidney also shows his sister live streaming, which Sims can now do to earn some money (as well as being Style influencers).
But there are also after school activities, you can choose from: Cheerleading, American Football, Chess club or Computer club. There might be more, and it’s unsure if you can do only one, or more than one at the same time.
Will you be following Sidney on Social Bunny?
Day 3 – Ash
Thrift stores! Ash is showing off the joys of looking for that one of a kind style you can only find with “new to you” items. Find new outfits every day (does it renew every day?)
Pick out that perfect prom outfit from second hand clothing.
But the store is not the only way to get new (to you) clothing, you can also buy outfits from Trendi. Or sell.
Trendi, seems to be a new store system in the game (I have to ask, why not Plopsy?) and when you sell outfits on there, Sims in the world can buy those outfits and you might see your clothes out and about in the world again.
Day 4 – Kevin
Kevin is getting ready for prom night!
But he’s feeling anxious of all the things that could go wrong. An outbreak of acne, people judging you and rejection. Disappointing your parents, failing school, but he manages to pep himself up!
Even though is he is socialy awkward (this is a new trait), he made some great friends, together with Ash, Molly and Sidney he will go to prom.
And will hopefully dance with his crush, Jessica.
He’s talking about wants and fears, will those return to the game? How about crushes?
Day 5 – Live stream day!
On July 15th, at 7pm UK time, The Sims will live stream on both Twitch and YouTube.
Will you be watching?
What are you looking forward the most to?
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