Now, how did the one person who was always shouting how much they didn’t want toddlers in the game end up reviewing the toddler pack? Well, at least when I say I like it, you know it’s an unbiased opinion!
One complaint throughout the years, regardless of the version of the game, has been how much the smallest sims have been ignored. This pack goes some way to redressing the balance. While there’s a couple of bits and pieces, especially the outdoors and clutter objects, that can be used by other ages, this is really all about the toddlers!
So, what do we have?
First, CAS – new hair, new clothes, new shoes. They strike a balance between looking good, but also looking practical for toddlers to play and crawl around in. Sadly, there’s no adult version of the various hairs, although I’m sure the talented modding community will be on top of that sooner rather than later!
Under build, there’s one new fence, with matching gate. Comes in a range of colour choices, with the default being a bright sunny yellow, and looks like the type of easy clean plastic fence often used to create playpens and otherwise keep kiddies corralled together!
There’s a few odds and endsunder the buy objects, such as the rugs and the string of lights that can be used across the board. The majority of them however are either specifically for toddlers, or designed for toddler oriented areas. There’s lots of new play options – the Treehouse is similar to the dollhouse, and builds fun and imagnation. The Tunnels, Ball Pit and Slide can be used individually, or are available combined as the Jungle Gym. To be honest, the ball pit is probably my biggest disappointment with the pack – although a few balls pop up and animate when in use, the flat surface is lacking something, and doesn’t look quite right. These objects can cause some interesting and unexpected reactions!
The new grill and picnic table are a nice touch to add to a kiddie themed park, and some of the clutter is picnic style tableware to set on it. There’s also funky looking gazebo style covering to keep some shade over the toddlers in the world of eternal sunshine.
The new play date option costs §100, and has the option of a Prestige Event, giving you goals and rewards. It requires a host caregiver, a host toddler and a minimum of one toddler guest. Once my toddlers make some friends to invite, I’ll look forward to trying it!
Overall, the pack does what it sets out to do, and does it well. While I wouldn’t personally class it as an essential part of my game, it’s good to see toddlers getting a bit more to do, and if you play a very family oriented game, it’s a good addition.
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