We’re fast approaching the release of the new The Sims 4 Dream Home Decorator stuff pack, which means, of course, it’s patch time!
There are 2 new features included in the patch. Well, ok, one new one, and 2 enhancements to existing features!
The biggie is the introduction of the new likes and dislikes system. You can now add up to 20 separate likes and dislikes per sim, spread across 3 categories – colours, music, and activities. There’s no restrictions on how you spread them, either – other than you can’t like and dislike the same thing!
Likes and dislikes will impact a sim’s actions in a number of ways, from making them more or less likely to carry out specific activities, to giving moodlets and specific social options. So far, though, it doesn’t seem as if likes make dislikes more tolerable. My sim was programming – which she likes so much she did a happy dance as she sat down – and the radio turned on to baroque, which she dislikes. Her mood tanked! The tense moodlet from the music outweighed the happy one from the activity! So far, I’ve not managed to get any moodlets from colour preferences – despite setting my sim’s dislike as pink and giving both her and her apartment a makeover Barbie would be proud of!
The downside I’ve noticed so far is that if you create your Sim via story mode, it doesn’t assign any likes and dislikes, and you can’t click to assign them yourself. You can, of course, go straight into CAS to add them once you’re in live mode, but just seemed odd. In fact, there is a new “Go to CAS” button under Likes and Dislikes on the Simology panel, which is a quick way of editing your sim!
I’m looking forward to seeing how these tie into the new career, but even without, they’ll flesh out your sim’s personality.
Next up, is an addition to CAS with 6 new hair colours. These are on the cooler, ashy side of the spectrum, from a white blonde through to black. Nothing flashy, but just extra tones to give some variety. Of course, it does mean some fun extras on the two tone styles, too!
Finally, bunk beds! As seen in the last Sims 411, these have been tweaked and expanded on to allow greater flexibility with placing and using objects underneath them. Desks, dressers, double beds? Cool. Add them perpendicular rather than straight under? Of course! This update will give far more flexibility in layouts and space saving.
And of course, it wouldn’t be a Sims patch without the usual list of bug fixes, written in the SimGurus’ own unique style! You can see the full list here.
Now, is the new pack here yet!?
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